Pokeballs Days 267 - 271

Eck, I have to get back into posting. It really is a good motivator, I've just been feeling really busy.

But today, I actually did cosplay stuff! I spray painted half of a red beach ball to white so that I can detail it tomorrow or Saturday to look like a Pokeball for my Santa Cruz cosplay beach gathering on Saturday, at which I will be Swimmer Girl from Pokemon Platinum. Yes, it's a really easy costume, but hey, it's a bathing suit, and I'm actually putting decent effort into the beach ball at least, haha.

Also, I made little regular-sized Pokeballs out of styrofoam, pretty much for the heck of it. I made a great ball, a net ball, and a dive ball. They're not perfect, but I think they're adorable.

Tomorrow, I'm having a party with some friends from my old Improv class, so I won't be doing anything.

Then Saturday is my beach gathering! I'm quite excited. There are more people going to the gathering than there are coming to my party. Heh. My friends kinda suck T_T Too busy for little ol' me. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. I wish my friends I could make it but we can't. We have a con next weekend and so we're using our gas/money stuff for that........and Kay-chan is up in the mountains right now at a family camping thing. :[ Bleh.. I hope you have fun though! Sounds like lots of fun T__________T
